I was introduced to ICI in 5th grade when a friend brought me to club. I was raised in a close family with 11 siblings and my mom was very protective, but she trusted ICI with her kids because of how they invested in us. Leaders like Stephanie, Christina and Liz would come to visit me at home and get to know my family. That always meant a lot to me.
I specifically remember one club when I was just working on homework and Brian sat with me to share the meaning of John 3:16. I memorized it because it seemed important and it really began to shape my thinking.
My favorite event was always going to camp. I didn’t get to travel much and my mom only let me travel with ICI, so the chance to go to another state was always exciting! I loved the week long camps because I got to spend a lot of time with the leaders.
I began asking a lot of questions around age 12 or 13 and it was then that I realized my need for Christ. Leaders took me to church and gave me a deeper understanding of the Bible. I was always surprised by how genuine their beliefs about God were.
I accepted Christ at 14. Camp really got me thinking and transformed me. At camp I decided that I wanted to pursue Christ. After we got back, I kept thinking about it and went to church with Liz. I accepted Christ at church with Liz.
Before Christ, I had a lot of grudges and felt like everything had to be perfect. I tried to control a lot of things. Now I can leave things in God’s hands. When I am worried, I know I can trust God. I’m not angry anymore.
ICI is life changing. It means a lot that a non-profit has put so much into building me up. I never would have been able to afford the experiences that ICI has given me. Now I volunteer with elementary school kids during the year and am on staff this summer as an intern. I love ICI!
I am currently attending North Park University but am not sure what I’m going to study: teaching, medicine, or something else. I hope to work at ICI someday. For now, I will volunteer.
February 28, 2024
Diego had never even heard of ICI before a friend invited him. Once coming, Diego says he got really attached to ICI and just kept coming back.
February 14, 2024
Liz felt unsettled as Amalia climbed into the van for winter camp, brimming with excitement, she clutched her phone, ready to showcase her latest fight video.
November 22, 2023
While we often see considerable hardship in the city, at ICI, we are time and time again in a position to see God impacting our students’ lives in big ways. Something as small as the gift of a Bible can change someone's life.