One life transformed can result in many lives that are changed for the better. At ICI we know this is true because we’ve seen it happen: when you impact a kid, you impact a family and a community. And if you do it enough times, you have the opportunity to impact the world.
May 9, 2023
Along my journey, God put humble leaders in my life. Being around those people made me want to imitate them and I realized leadership isn’t about outward strength but about setting an example for others to follow.
October 5, 2022
It was cool to come to ICI, not only to be part of the ministry but to stay overnight because we are plugged into ICI, and our whole week is ICI. It was cool to see your mission and vision, and I fell in love with it. . .
November 1, 2021
Fourteen years ago, Erick walked through the doors of ICI’s very first club in Cicero. This fall, he stepped up in front of his church family to share what God did in his life before his baptism. . .
October 1, 2021
I am realizing as I finish this that I have failed to write a story about my work and have instead offered a story about my life — about our lives.
September 25, 2021
Through our Distance Learning Assistance Program, ICI has provided school assistance for 8 hours each school day, while public schools were closed. We were able to provide families with a safe place for kids, while parents worked. We also provided a reliable internet connection for students who do not have one at home. “I’m speechless. I didn’t think anything like this would be out there.” - Parent of an Attendee
September 8, 2021
At camp, my counselor, Reegan, finally got through to me. She just wouldn’t stop loving me, encouraging me, and reminding me that Jesus was waiting to embrace me and change my life. That’s when I finally accepted Him and began to believe what Reegan had been telling me all week.
May 1, 2021
Alejandra saw this modeled for her at ICI: “When I didn’t believe in my own abilities I remember the difference it made to hear, ‘I believe in you. You can do this.’ Those words are so important when you don’t hear them in other places.”
May 1, 2020
Due to incredible and sudden economic hardship for the families of children we serve in Chicago and Cicero, Inner City Impact is providing weekly food assistance to 50 – 70 families in need. Our focus is on ICI families we know have economic hardship and families with which we have a long-standing, gospel-centered relationship.
December 30, 2019
Throughout my whole high school experience, I felt like I needed to change. After we got back from my last high school camping trip I was thinking about what the leaders had said. I decided to pray and give my life to Christ.
July 22, 2019
Chris shares how his life was changed growing up in Humboldt Park and coming to Inner City Impact's youth programs.
July 22, 2019
Carlos Borges shares his testimony about how the staff at Inner City Impact influenced his life when he was a kid, and how he now reaches out to his community because of what Christ has done in his life!
July 22, 2019
Alejandra's life was changed as ICI helped her redefine her understanding of love and her own self-worth, learning that God loves her unconditionally.
July 22, 2019
Till this day I miss ICI so much.
September 18, 2018
"This summer at Inner City Impact was not what I expected at all, and I praise God for it!"
September 18, 2018
ICI was a refuge for Oscar as he grew up. ICI staff modeled healthy relationships and plugged him into a local church. Now he is investing back into the lives of those who grew up in similar challenging circumstances.
December 1, 2017
Sophomore year is when the teaching at ICI really got to me and I gave my life to Christ and changed the path I was on.
October 10, 2017
ICI became a place where Brian could be a kid. Then it became so much more.
September 1, 2017
Already familiar with ICI’s programs because of her older sister, Mia couldn’t wait to start attending them herself. With both parents working, and a younger brother to take care of, Mia needed a safe, family-like environment, where she could be free to be a kid.
September 1, 2017
Aside from a single memory Ricky has of he and his dad playing at the park, he doesn’t remember his father at all. That’s because when Ricky was still a very small boy his father chose a life on the streets rather than a life at home taking care of his family. Even now as an adult, the only thing Ricky really knows about his father is that at some point he was incarcerated.
September 1, 2017
When you work or volunteer with ICI, you have to be ready to discuss just about any topic—you never know what the kids are going to ask! But what’s always true is that kids are really curious about spiritual things and will impress you with some deep and insightful questions and observations.
November 16, 2016
Gerald Jones, known as “Frog” to his friends, has been involved with ICI for as long as anyone can remember. The oldest of eight kids, he started attending the Humboldt Park programs when he was just ten years old:
August 3, 2016
By age 12, Joseph Martinez was the primary caregiver for his family. Substance abuse by family members and a lack of social support left him alone, lost, and confused. ICI provided support when there was no one else and it changed his life forever.
September 4, 2015
Juanita grew up in the Logan Square/Humboldt Park area of Chicago. A busy and active part of the city, she says her neighborhood was known for a “lot of violence, brokenness, and dysfunction. As a little girl I saw the gang bangers, the prostitutes. It was a very dark environment.” The brokenness was also a part of Juanita’s life at home. With both parents suffering from mental health issues and unable to care for her, she was adopted and raised by her great-grandparents, already in their 60s.
June 17, 2014
Humboldt Park, a predominantly Puerto Rican community, is a neighborhood on the west-side of Chicago notorious for its crime, gang activity, drug trafficking, and violence. An economically depressed area, the neighborhood reports incomes and housing values far below the citywide average. It’s poor, it’s rough, it’s dangerous, and it’s often in the news. It’s also where Dan Kurtz grew up.