“I came into this internship at ICI with the assumption that this summer would be a breeze! I grew up being a staff kid, so I figured that I had basically been “staff-in-training” my entire life, and that I pretty much had all of the knowledge and skills to run everything and eventually run the place one day. This summer at Inner City Impact was not what I expected at all, and I praise God for it! As I transitioned from being a volunteer to being summer staff, I got to learn a lot about what it means to be intentional. From visitation, outings, clubs, and camping trips, I’ve grown to appreciate ICI so much more because sharing the gospel is prioritized in how we love, serve, and simply spend time with our kids! When we do visitation, we are not just visiting the kids to let them know about outings, but we are being welcomed into homes and getting to know their entire families and backgrounds and actually building relationships! Outside of clubs, there is so much more going on, whether it’s coming to our kid’s sports games and graduations or just hanging out and going to McDonalds with a kid to get some ice-cream. Before this summer, I had no idea that you might have to visit a kid 5 different times and give them 8 different camp forms before they finally sign up! It’s always worth it though, because we get to take a kid out of a chaotic city to possibly have their life changed forever. I am overwhelmed with how much God has worked in me, and how much I’ve seen God work through this ministry. I’ve first hand witnessed that by His strength, you can literally do ANYTHING, and when you truly surrender to His will, especially when you don’t feel capable or smart enough or skilled enough, God moves and salvation is found. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for ICI, and I am thankful to be a part of it.” – Precious Greaves
February 28, 2024
Diego had never even heard of ICI before a friend invited him. Once coming, Diego says he got really attached to ICI and just kept coming back.
February 14, 2024
Liz felt unsettled as Amalia climbed into the van for winter camp, brimming with excitement, she clutched her phone, ready to showcase her latest fight video.
November 22, 2023
While we often see considerable hardship in the city, at ICI, we are time and time again in a position to see God impacting our students’ lives in big ways. Something as small as the gift of a Bible can change someone's life.