Anthony Leato

Junior High Coordinator

I grew up at ICI and have gone through all their programs since first coming to club in fourth grade. In Junior High, I rededicated my life to Christ at summer camp. I was challenged to participate in the Leadership Development Program, and throughout High School, I was mentored and developed to become a godly leader and a godly man. In High School, I had the opportunity to oversee Day Camp for three years with my best friend. After graduating from ICI, I continued volunteering at ICI in different clubs and programs. When I heard about the opening for a new Junior High Coordinator, it seemed God was opening all the doors. My life was changed through ICI, and now I can do the same for others. All for His Glory and for the Kingdom! Let’s do this!

Staff Member at Cicero

2348 South Laramie Avenue, Cicero, IL 60804, USA

Making an impact

One life transformed can result in many lives that are changed for the better. At ICI we know this is true because we’ve seen it happen: when you impact a kid, you impact a family and a community. And if you do it enough times, you have the opportunity to impact the world.