Keith Rundquist

Physical Properties Manager / Admin Staff

After moving to Chicago to attend Moody Bible Institute, Debbie (from Michigan, class of ’82) and Keith (from New Jersey, class of ’86) met while serving at ICI. Five children, two grandchildren and thirty plus years later, they are still at ICI caring for facilities and vehicles, teaching kids and camping with them, and ministering in a local church.  Keith says, “In all of our time here in Chicago and at ICI we have continually seen God’s grace at work in both big and little things. We have been able to use our Spiritual gifts and natural abilities to shine His light in often dark places. We have known His physical protection in sometimes trying circumstances. What to others may seem dangerous is to us routine, but we can never take for granted God’s protection and provision.”  

Making an impact

One life transformed can result in many lives that are changed for the better. At ICI we know this is true because we’ve seen it happen: when you impact a kid, you impact a family and a community. And if you do it enough times, you have the opportunity to impact the world.